A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed
Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status
Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Main Generic Entity Attribute
“Opportunity Count” — Generic Custom Metric
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 11th. What is the number of opportunities in the Interest stage?
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed.
Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status.
Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Generic Entity Key 2
“Opportunity Count” — Generic Custom Metric
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 7th - 10th. How many different stages are presented in the table?
A client wants to integrate their data within Marketing Cloud Intelligence to optimize their marketing insights and cross-channel marketing activity analysis. Below are details regarding the different data sources and the number of data streams required for each source.
When harmonizing the Objective field from within the data stream mapping, which advantage is gained?
A client has integrated data from Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, and Google Ads in Marketing Cloud Intelligence. For each data source, the data
follows a naming convention as shown below:
Facebook Ads Naming Convention - Campaign Name:
Twitter Ads Naming Convention - Media Buy Name:
' Google Ads Naming Convention - Media Buy Name:
Buying Type_Market_Objective
The client wants to harmonize their data on the common fields between these two platforms (i.e. Market and Objective) using the Harmonization ‘Center.
In addition to the previous details, the client provides the following data sample:
Logic specification:
If a value is not present in the Validation List, return “Not Valid”
If a value is not present in the Classification File, return “Unclassified”.
If the Harmonization center is used to harmonize the above data and files, what table will show the final output?
The following file was uploaded into Marketing Cloud Intelligence as a generic dataset type:
The mapping is as follows:
Day — Day
Web_site_source — Main Generic Entity Attribute 01
Page Views — Generic Metric 1
*Note that ‘web_site_key’ and ‘web_site_name’ are NOT mapped.
How many rows will be stored in Marketing Cloud Intelligence after the above file is ingested?
Animplementation engineer has been provided with 4 different source files: 03m 16s
1. Twitter Ads
2. Creative Classification
3. Placement Classification
4, Campaign Category Classification
The main source is Twitter Ads (which includes various fields and KPIs), and the rest are classification files that connect to Twitter Ads and enrich different fields within it.
The connections between the files are described as follows:
1st Party Creative Classification
File structure/headers:
Creative ID — links back to Creative Key (Twitter Ads)
1st Party Placement Classification &
File structure/headers:
Category — links back to Campaign Category (Twitter Ads)
Which proposed solution meets the client's requirements for the above use case?
Which Marketing Cloud Intelligence field is considered an attribute and not a “variable”?
Your client is interested in ingesting the below file:
The client decided to upload the file to a new generic data stream type and map ‘Date’ to ‘Day’ and ‘Number of Topics’ to a generic custom metric.
In regards to the fields ‘Meeting Code’ and ‘Meeting Name’, your client is debating several options.
Which two options would you recommend in order to avoid data loss?
An implementation engineer is requested to extract the first three-letter segment of the Campaign Name values.
For example:
Campaign Name: AFD@Mulop-1290
Desired outcome: AFD
Other examples:
Which formula will return the desired values?
An implementation engineer is requested to create the harmonization field - Magician
This field should come from multiple Twitter Ads data streams, and should follow the below logic:
Using the Harmonization Center, the engineer created a single Pattern for Campaign Name. What other action should the engineer take to meetthe requirements?
Animplementation engineer has been provided with the below dataset:
*Note: CPC = Cost per Click
Formula: Cost / Clicks
Which action should an engineer take to successfully integrate CPC?
A client provides the following two data streams:
Data Stream 1:
The client would like to use a VLOOKUP formula to calculate the Cost per Campaign Advertiser on January 1st 2020. Which mapping options should the client apply to obtain the expected result?