Key elements of Agile new product process includes the scrum, the scrum master, the scrum team, the sprint, the product backlog, and?
The technology push strategy described by Robert Cooper develops a product or technology and then finds a market for it. It was the most successful strategy in his study.
Which pair of variables is NOT common in visual bubble chart displays of the balance of a portfolio?
I. Use a staged and gated NPD system
II. Use dedicated project members
III. Watch for triggers that indicate a succeeding activity can begin before its predecessor is complete
IV. Use prototyping to set the pace
The strategy defined by Miles and Snow for those companies that rapidly follow Prospector companies is________.
Jane is establishing her own company to manufacture and market a novel range of sports clothes for children aged 8 to 12 years of age. In applying for a loan from her bank, she has been told that she needs to estmiate the required working capital. Why is working capital so important to Jane in the establishment of her new business?
In the concept generation phase of the new product process, which of the following statements below is correct?
In which of the following scenarios is it most important to use net present value rather than payback period for financial analysis of a new product's potential?
Which of these considerations affect the product and platform roadmap?
I. When new technology is available for use in a next-generation platform product
II. The rate and time at which competitors introduce new generations of platforms
III. When the investment in a platform is paid off
IV. How frequently the market demands freshening of the product line
The product design specifications must use a set of metrics to ensure they are met during the desing work. Suppose you are designing a new automobile. Which of the following is an acceeptable product design metric:
When considering the various sources of the A-T-A-R (Awareness-Trial-Availability-Repeat) model, which of the following tests is the best for Consumption:
Gates are defined as decision points based on deliverables, criteria, and outputs. Outputs include?
Secondary research is defined as research executed and published by a market research firm.
The New Products Process Manager is the executive manager(s) responsible for the strategic results of the NPD process
Which of the following are recommendations for using focus groups?
I. Do one focus group for each topic and market segment
II. Avoid focus group veterans
III. If the topic is uncommon or technical, make sure the moderator has the appropriate background
IV. Remember focus groups are a technique for learning how and why; not for testing hypotheses
In project management, Monitoring/Control reports and reviews deal with which of the following:
I. Scope/Performance
II. Business/Financial Impact
III. Schedule/Time
IV. Budget/Cost
A product manager reviewed technical publications, electronic databases, and websites prior to deisgning a research project that directly contacts prospective customers. This review of already-published materials is an example of:
The role responsible for estabilishing the product innovatio process and for ensuring its quality and consistency and ongoing training in its application is called:
__________ is the strategy defined by Miles and Snow for those companies that rapidly follow Prospector companies.
Which of the following are advantages of customer visits?
I. Helps the new product development team to understand customers better
II. Face-to-face communication provides more than a phone interview
III. Customer visits are one of the best ways of developing a customer viewpoint in team members who usually don't have much customer contact
IV. There is a potential for interviewer bias
Looking at Project Strategy Types: a product that is "Low" when looking how new to the firm it is and "Low" when considering its newness to the market is best known as which of the following product types:
A company has decided on a name for its new product. The company has done an extensive search and has established that no other company or product is using this name. What form of Intellectual Property right should that company apply for to register the name?
According to a study by Robert Cooper and IRI (Industrial Research Institute) of 205 member companies, the most popular tools for managing the NPD portfolio were which of the following?
Which of the following statement best represents the relationship between the number of projects that engineers are working on and their productivity?
What type of team structure should be chosen when the challenge is to break entirely from the past, enter a new market, or do something radically different technically or commercially?
During new product development, companies ofen use ____ to measure end user satisfaction with a product and to determine whether the company can deliver the total quality product as promised.
According to the PDMA Measurement Success Project, the most appropriate set of measures for assessing program-level success depends on the firm's project strategy.
Company A has recently implemented a range of new product development practices. As s first stage, it has used a range of ideation tools to generate a number of potential new product ideas. It is now seeking to evaluate and prioritize th 150 product ideas for further evalutaion and development. What technique would you recomend for the first stage of evaluating the 150 new product ideas?
Which of the following might be included in a non-financial scoring model?
I. Ability to leverage core competencies
II. Strategic Alignment
IV. Technical feasibility
In the introduction stage of the product life cycle, which of the following product pricing strategies is most commonly used?
A company has decided to embard on a high-risk project that is focued on the development of a product outside the traditional boundaries of company operation. What type of team structure would be modst suitable for this type of project?
A dairy product manager has discovered a new microorganism that may have significant health benefits (probiotic). The company decides to initiate a significant reseatch program to prove these health benefits. It plans to use the probiotic in a range of product including yogurts, health drinks and instant formula. This is an exapme of what type of strategy:
According to the results of 1997 PDMA study that evaluated the use of market research tools in new product development, based upon 383 projects, which of the following was the most essential and used tool?
Economic Value Added (EVA) is the before-tax cash flow generated by a business plus the cost of the capital it has deployed to generate that cash flow.
Janes is the product manager for a toy manufacturing and marketing company. The company has just embarked on developing a new product targeted at children between 8 and 12 years of age. Jane has just completed an early stage feasibility analysis of the product profitability potential. She has completed a comprehensive survey of the potential market, has examined the company's technical capability with respect to design and manufacture, has discussed the company's ability to market new product withe the marketing manager, and has developed an extensive spreadsheet to analyze the profit potential under diffrent scenarios. What important consideration has Jance failed to take into account?
What type of team structure should be chosen when minor changes to existing products are to be made?
Information gathered by other researchers for other purposes, the fit between research method and research purpose, unknown sample size, varying levels of quality, and dated information are all pitfalls of which type(s) of market research?
Jack is a consultant to a manufacturing company. He has been asked to evauate the components and parts of the product as well as the whole desing (system view) and the method of assembly used (manual, automatic, fixed automation and robotic assembly). What specific design tool should Jack use?